The faces and colors in the Smile and Don't Expect Much series have gotten wilder over the years. In a way, they are all self portraits, portraits of me trying to contain my expectations, and having to expend energy (represented by ever more wild colors) in order to do so. I arranged the pictures in order of when they were done, going from older to the most recent smile piece. Over the years I've titled them interchangeably, sometimes using " Too Much" and at others "So Much".
Smile and Don't Expect Too Much, #2
Smile and Don't Expect So Much 4
Smile and Don't Expect So Much 5
Smile and Don't Expect So Much 6
Finally, the most recent Smile and Don't Expect So Much 7. Perhaps I'm getting good at this, the toning down of my expectations. This one looks more accepting and sedate compared to earlier versions. I'd be curious to hear form my readers, which one of these "smile" pictures is their favorite.
Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment Greg. #5 was a time when I must have been struggling hard for acceptance. Then #6 got even wilder, a bit crazed looking if I must say. Anyone else out there have a favorite one of the smile pieces that they would like to make a comment on?
Posted by: Mary Shelley | October 14, 2013 at 04:40 PM
Hello Mary.
I think "Smile and Don't Expect So Much 5" is my favorite. I very much enjoy the vibrance of the carving. The eyes seem to show a hint of expections not met, while the smile doesn't let on. Your latest definately has a feeling of composure and acceptance. It's a great series of carvings.
Posted by: Greg Goul | October 14, 2013 at 07:46 AM